It’s too much fruit, delicious and very easy to grow at home

I absolutely adore the abundance of fruit that is both scrumptious and incredibly effortless to cultivate right in my own backyard.


In this article, I will be reviewing a video created by TEO Garden where they demonstrate how to mix soil for growing vegetables at home. If you’re interested in gardening and want to learn how to grow your own vegetables, this video is a must-watch! You can find the video at this link: YouTube Video Link. I hope you find it useful and enjoyable as I did. Now, let’s dive into the details!

Mixing the Soil: Step-by-Step Guide

In the video, the host takes us through the process of mixing soil for growing vegetables at home. Here’s a breakdown of the steps they follow:

  1. Gather the materials:

    • Compost or organic matter
    • Peat moss or coconut coir
    • Perlite or vermiculite
    • Fertilizers
    • Soil pH tester (optional)
  2. Start with the base:

    • Mix compost or organic matter with the existing soil in a ratio of 1:1.
    • This helps improve the soil structure and fertility.
  3. Add peat moss or coconut coir:

    • Mix peat moss or coconut coir with the base soil in a ratio of 1:1.
    • This helps with water retention and aeration of the soil.
  4. Mix in perlite or vermiculite:

    • Add perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture.
    • These materials improve drainage and prevent soil compaction.
  5. Incorporate fertilizers:

    • Depending on the type of vegetables you want to grow, add the appropriate fertilizers.
    • Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for the correct dosage.
  6. Test the soil pH (optional):

    • If you want to ensure the pH levels are suitable for your chosen vegetables, use a soil pH tester.
    • Adjust the pH levels by adding lime to decrease acidity or sulfur to reduce alkalinity.


In conclusion, the video by TEO Garden provides a comprehensive guide on how to mix soil for growing vegetables at home. Following the steps outlined in the video will help you create a nutrient-rich and well-aerated soil that is essential for healthy plant growth. Don’t forget to subscribe to TEO Garden’s channel for more insightful gardening tips and tricks. You can subscribe by clicking on this link: Channel Subscription Link. Happy gardening!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How often should I water my vegetable plants?
    Watering frequency depends on various factors such as plant type, weather conditions, and soil moisture. In general, it’s recommended to water deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Monitor the moisture levels of the soil and water when it feels dry up to a few inches deep.

  2. Can I use any type of compost for mixing the soil?
    Yes, you can use various types of compost such as homemade compost, compost from a local nursery, or commercially available compost. Just make sure the compost is well-rotted and free from any diseases or weed seeds.

  3. Do I need to sterilize the soil before mixing?
    While it’s not necessary to sterilize the soil, you can choose to do so if you want to eliminate any potential pathogens or weed seeds. Sterilizing the soil involves heating it in an oven or using steam to kill unwanted organisms.

  4. Are there any alternative materials I can use for aeration and drainage?
    If you don’t have perlite or vermiculite, you can use materials like coarse sand, rice hulls, or even crushed charcoal as alternatives. These alternatives provide similar benefits to perlite and vermiculite.

  5. Can I reuse the soil mix for subsequent plantings?
    Yes, the soil mix can be reused for subsequent plantings. However, it’s important to replenish the nutrients by adding compost or fertilizers before each new planting season.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and I hope it has inspired you to start growing vegetables at home! Don’t forget to use the hashtags #teogarden #growing #tomatoes to share your gardening journey on social media. Happy growing!

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