How to grow Water Spinach from seeds in plastic bottles, gardening at home

Hey there! I’m excited to share my personal experience with growing Water Spinach from seeds in plastic bottles, right in the comfort of my own home. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the step-by-step process, allowing you to have a flourishing garden even with limited space. So, join me as I unravel the secrets to successfully cultivating Water Spinach and discover how you can do it too. Let’s get started!

How to Grow Water Spinach from Seeds in Plastic Bottles: Gardening at Home


In this article, I will share a gardening tutorial on how to grow water spinach (kangkong) from seeds in plastic bottles. It is a beginner-friendly method that can be easily done at home, providing you an opportunity to enjoy fresh and nutritious greens from your garden. So let’s get started!

Materials Needed

Before we begin, let’s gather all the necessary materials:

  1. Plastic bottles (preferably 2-liter ones)
  2. Water spinach seeds
  3. Potting soil
  4. Scissors
  5. Water spray bottle
  6. Water source

Now that we have everything ready, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of growing water spinach in plastic bottles.

Step 1: Prepare the Plastic Bottles

  1. Take the plastic bottles and using scissors, carefully cut off the top section of the bottle. This will serve as the plant’s growing container.

Step 2: Fill the Bottles with Soil

  1. Take the bottom part of the bottle (the container) and fill it with potting soil, leaving about an inch of space at the top for watering.

Step 3: Plant the Water Spinach Seeds

  1. Take a few water spinach seeds and place them on top of the soil. Spread them evenly, ensuring they are not too close to each other.

Step 4: Cover the Seeds and Water

  1. Gently cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, approximately ¼ inch thick.
  2. Using the water spray bottle, moisten the soil with water. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to rotting.

Step 5: Provide Optimal Growing Conditions

  1. Place the plastic bottles in a location that receives ample sunlight, preferably near a window or outdoors.
  2. Water the plants regularly, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not waterlogged.
  3. As the water spinach grows, you may need to support the plant with stakes to help it stand upright.


Growing water spinach from seeds in plastic bottles is a simple and efficient way to have fresh greens right at your fingertips. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can embark on a rewarding gardening journey from the comfort of your home. So why wait? Grab your plastic bottles, potting soil, and water spinach seeds, and get ready to experience the joy of growing your own food!


  1. Can I use any type of plastic bottles for this method?

    • Yes, you can use any type of plastic bottles, but 2-liter bottles are recommended for convenience.
  2. How long does it take for water spinach to grow?

    • Water spinach usually takes around 30 to 45 days to mature, depending on growing conditions.
  3. Do I need a garden or a large outdoor space for this?

    • No, this method is specifically designed for gardening at home, and even a small balcony or windowsill can be used.
  4. Where can I find water spinach seeds?

    • Water spinach seeds can be found at local nurseries, garden centers, or online seed suppliers.
  5. Can I use this method to grow other vegetables?

    • While this tutorial focuses on growing water spinach, some other leafy greens can also be grown using a similar approach.

Remember to take care of your plants, keep an eye out for pests, and enjoy the rewarding experience of growing your own food at home!

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