Growing Onions Without Soil, Good Tips Worth Learning | Cheap & Easy Ways

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the fascinating world of growing onions without soil. Join us as we share some valuable tips and tricks that are definitely worth learning. If you are looking for cheap and easy ways to grow onions, you’ve come to the right place. With our expertise, you’ll be able to cultivate your very own onion crop, without the need for traditional soil methods. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and explore the wonderful techniques that will enable us to grow onions in unconventional ways.

Growing Onions Without Soil: Good Tips Worth Learning | Cheap & Easy Ways


Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to grow onions without soil? Well, the good news is that it is not only possible but also quite an interesting and fun project, especially for kids. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of growing onions without soil and share with you some cheap and easy ways to do it. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!

Growing Onions in Water

One of the easiest ways to grow onions without soil is by using water. Yes, you heard it right! You can grow onions by simply placing them in a glass of water. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Take a sprouted onion and cut off the top, leaving about one inch of the onion intact.
  2. Fill a glass with water, ensuring that it is deep enough to submerge the bottom of the onion.
  3. Place the sprouted onion, with the roots down, into the glass of water, making sure that the bottom is fully submerged.
  4. Put the glass in a sunny spot, preferably near a window, and watch the magic happen.

Root Growth and New Shoots

When you grow onions in water, something amazing happens. The roots of the onion will start growing through the sides of the glass, searching for water and nutrients. This is a fascinating sight to witness, especially for children who are learning about plant growth.

Not only will the roots grow, but the onion will also continue to develop new shoots on top. These shoots will eventually turn into green leaves and ultimately produce flowers, seeds, and more onions. It’s a remarkable process that showcases the resilience and adaptability of plants.

Benefits of Growing Onions Without Soil

  1. Educational Experience: Growing onions without soil provides a hands-on learning experience for kids, teaching them about plant growth, biology, and patience.
  2. Space-Saving: If you have limited garden space, growing onions in water can be a great alternative. You can even place multiple glasses of onions on a windowsill, optimizing vertical space.
  3. Cost-Effective: Growing onions without soil eliminates the need for expensive gardening supplies like potting soil and containers. It’s a budget-friendly way to enjoy fresh produce.
  4. Quick Results: Compared to traditional soil-based gardening, growing onions in water can yield results much faster. You will be able to witness the growth and progress of your onions within weeks.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can I grow onions in any glass of water?
  • It’s better to use a clear glass so that you can observe the roots growing. A narrow and tall glass is ideal for supporting the onion and allowing enough space for root development.
  1. How often should I change the water in the glass?
  • It’s recommended to change the water every few days to prevent stagnation and ensure the onions have access to fresh nutrients.
  1. Can I transfer the onions to soil after they have grown in water?
  • Yes, you can transplant the onions to soil once they have developed a healthy root system. Use well-draining soil and provide adequate sunlight for continued growth.
  1. How long does it take for the onion to grow from water to maturity?
  • Onions grown in water can take several weeks to develop into a mature bulb. However, you can harvest and use the green leaves as scallions even before the bulb is fully developed.
  1. Are there any specific onion varieties that are more suitable for growing in water?
  • Most onion varieties can be grown in water. However, choose onions that have already sprouted for better success rates.


Growing onions without soil is not only possible but also an enjoyable and educational project. By following the simple steps mentioned in this article, you can witness the fascinating growth of onions in water, from roots breaking through the glass to new shoots emerging on top. It’s a budget-friendly and space-saving way to enjoy fresh produce right at home. So, why not give it a try? Get your kids involved, have fun, and watch nature unfold before your eyes.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. We do not guarantee the success of growing onions in water, as individual results may vary.


  1. Can I grow onions in any glass of water?
  2. How often should I change the water in the glass?
  3. Can I transfer the onions to soil after they have grown in water?
  4. How long does it take for the onion to grow from water to maturity?
  5. Are there any specific onion varieties that are more suitable for growing in water?

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