Growing kohlrabi in a tiny plastic pot, it was unbelievable that it still gave such a high yield

I couldn’t believe it when I grew kohlrabi in my tiny plastic pot and it still produced such a high yield.

Growing Kohlrabi in a Tiny Plastic Pot: Unbelievably High Yield

Hello! Thank you for watching the video on growing kohlrabi in a tiny plastic pot. I hope you found it useful. In this article, I will share my experience of growing kohlrabi in a small plastic pot and how it surprisingly yielded a high harvest. So, let’s dive in!


Kohlrabi is a versatile and nutritious vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family. It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy addition to any diet. Traditionally, kohlrabi is grown in spacious gardens or large containers. However, I wanted to experiment with growing it in a tiny plastic pot to see if it was still possible to achieve a bountiful harvest.

Mixing the Soil

To ensure the success of growing kohlrabi in a small plastic pot, I paid extra attention to the soil mix. I combined equal parts of potting soil, compost, and perlite to create a well-draining and nutrient-rich mixture. Adequate drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogging and root rot, especially in cramped spaces.

Planting the Kohlrabi Seeds

Once the soil mix was ready, I gently pressed three kohlrabi seeds into the pot, ensuring they were evenly spaced. Kohlrabi seeds are relatively large and easy to handle, making the planting process a breeze. After covering the seeds with a thin layer of soil, I lightly watered the pot, avoiding overwatering.

Caring for the Kohlrabi Plant

Kohlrabi plants require consistent care to thrive, regardless of the container size. Here are a few essential tips that helped me achieve a high yield:

  1. Watering: Kohlrabi plants have shallow roots, so it’s important to water them regularly. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance and avoid waterlogging. I watered the plant whenever the top inch of soil felt dry to the touch.

  2. Fertilizing: To ensure optimal growth, I applied a balanced vegetable fertilizer every two weeks. This provided the necessary nutrients for the kohlrabi plant to flourish.

  3. Sunlight: Kohlrabi plants thrive in full sun, so I placed the pot in a sunny spot on my patio. If you’re growing kohlrabi indoors, make sure it receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight a day.

  4. Thinning: Once the kohlrabi seedlings emerged, I thinned them out by keeping the strongest and healthiest plant. This allowed ample space for the remaining plant to grow and develop.

  5. Pest Control: Like any other vegetable, kohlrabi is susceptible to pests. I regularly inspected the plant for signs of aphids or cabbage worms and dealt with them promptly using organic pest control methods.

The Surprising Result

Against all odds, the kohlrabi plant in the tiny plastic pot flourished and yielded a surprisingly high harvest. The kohlrabi bulbs were firm, crisp, and full of flavor, proving that size doesn’t limit productivity. I was thrilled with the outcome and realized that even with limited space, it’s possible to grow a substantial amount of kohlrabi.


In conclusion, growing kohlrabi in a tiny plastic pot was a remarkable experience. By using a well-draining soil mix, providing adequate care, and giving the plant enough sunlight, I was able to achieve an unbelievable yield. So, don’t let space limitations restrict your gardening aspirations. Get creative, think outside the box, and give growing kohlrabi in a small plastic pot a try!


  1. Can I use a different type of pot?
    Absolutely! While I used a tiny plastic pot, you can use any container that provides enough space for the kohlrabi plant to grow. Just ensure it has proper drainage holes.

  2. Should I start the seeds indoors or directly sow them in the pot?
    It’s a personal preference. You can start the seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings later, or sow the seeds directly in the pot. Both methods can yield successful results.

  3. How long does it take for kohlrabi to grow?
    On average, kohlrabi plants take around 55 to 60 days to reach maturity. However, you can harvest them earlier if you prefer smaller bulbs.

  4. Can I grow other vegetables in small pots too?
    Yes, definitely! Many vegetables, such as lettuce, radishes, and herbs, can be successfully grown in small pots. Just ensure you provide the necessary care and create an appropriate soil mix.

  5. Can I reuse the soil for the next planting season?
    It’s recommended to refresh the soil mix before planting a new crop. Adding fresh compost and replenishing nutrients will ensure the best growing conditions for your next plants.

Thank you for reading this article on growing kohlrabi in a tiny plastic pot. I hope you were inspired to try it out yourself. Don’t forget to check out the accompanying video for a visual demonstration. Happy gardening!

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